Science Challenges Leiden EU 2022!

Leiden is European City of Science 2022: Alle Leerlingen Onderzoeken! Doe jij ook mee als leerling ‘with a curious mind’ met de 5 Science Challenges voor lagere school en middelbare school?

Challenge 1: Leiden Research Vlog Competition Leiden EU Science 2022: alle leerlingen.

Challenge 2: Leiden Profielwerkstuk Prijs EU Science 2022 VMBO, HAVO, VWO.

Challenge 3: Leiden EU Youth Talk EU Science 2022 Bovenbouw VO.

Challenge 4: Leiden Speech Balloon Cartoon EU Science 2022

Challenge 5: Leiden Museum Debates EU Science 2022! In 2022 organiseren (museum-) docenten weer het Museum Debat Carrousel in verschillende musea in Leiden voor 10-14-jarigen en 14-17-jarigen. Leerlingen, leerkrachten, museum-docenten leiden het debat en zitten in de jury. Samen leiden en jureren we de debatten. Dit draagt bij aan leiderschap in wereldburgerschap.

Students collect and share science, knowledge, art and skills to reach and involve every Leiden inhabitant: ‘Knowledge throughout the Neighbourhoods’. ‘365 days, a little wiser every day’.

Download Playbook I & II and watch the livestreams | Leiden 2022 European City of Science. Also see European City of Science | Leiden 2022 European City of Science

In 2022, Leiden will host the ESOF congress. From 13 to 16 July 2022, the tenth edition of the largest multidisciplinary scientific meeting in Europe will be part of Leiden2022. The  conference is organised under the leadership of two local Champions of Leiden University, Professors Corinne Hofman and Ferry Breedveld. 

Europe’s largest multidisciplinary scientific congress brings together over 4,500 leading thinkers, innovators, policy makers, journalists and educators from more than 90 countries, to discuss current and future breakthroughs in contemporary science.

Leiden2022 will give the conference a new look: the programme of ESOF2022 will be presented in a more compact and hybrid form, with an eye for sustainability and inclusiveness.

EUCYS2022 will take place during the week of 12 to 18 September 2022. This European competition for young scientists aged between 14 and 24 promotes collaboration and exchange and gives them extra incentives to develop a promising career. 

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